Mangalyaan Propellant Consumption Analysis Using Numerical Methods

Numerical Methods Project, Prof. Dilip Shrinivas Sundaram and Prof. Akshaa Vatwani, 2022

Aug ‘22 - Oct ‘22, IIT Gandhinagar

  • Implemented advanced numerical analysis techniques to precisely determine the mass of propellant consumed for ISRO’s Mangalyaan Mission during the satellite’s initial five maneuvers around the Earth’s orbit.

  • Implemented numerical techniques, including Euler’s method and Runge-Kutta method, to discretize energy and iteratively determine the mass of propellants. Also studied about Oberth’s Maneuver effect for orbital transition.

Group Members:

  • Aadya Arora
  • Anmol Bhargava
  • Rhuju Trambadia
  • Siya Patil